Sunday, 23 November 2014
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Friday, 21 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Unfairness of life

Life sometimes does not turn out the way we plan it, actually I have
started believing that it never turns out the way we plan it. Of all the people
I have met I know not a single soul who got what they deserved. Look at my
father he wanted to be an engineer but where did he land ‘government’. My mom wanted
a bank job but she is a housewife and forever will be. Life is sometimes very
unfair for the ordinary. Ordinary people do not have all the privileges, you
see. But then again we have exceptions. Sometimes exceptions make you feel
frustrated because you don’t have a life like them. I have met people who don’t
like watching TV and celebrities because it makes them feel bad about their own
life. Can you believe it? I mean who doesn't like TV and celebrities. But I don’t
think any of this should stop you from trying actually it should make you reach
out harder for your dreams. I think it is not necessary that you set high goals
and stuff; I think you should do your own thing. You should try and enjoy life
as much as you can. My parents always say that you should study like tomorrow
is the last day of your life but I believe that you should do whatever you
want to do in a day, live it like it’s your last day alive. Tell me, are you
going to waste your time studying on your last day alive. I don’t think you should. Challenges are a part of life. I know that all these sayings say that you should face every challenge with a smile but I think it’s just not
possible. (You can’t smile when your life’s on the verge of drowning, comic note)
But I think you can definitely use your brain and try and get out of the mess
that you have created or maybe someone else. There is no escape from life. “Cowards
die many times before their death” cowardice sucks. Be brave and strong, even
if you’re not any of these ‘pretend’. Look at life like a book. Would you enjoy
a book without any mystery, adventure, romance, drama, heartbreak and thrill, I
guess not. So the same goes with your life. Life is unfair, I know, but look at
the perks. Happiness lies in every corner and so do tears face the facts and
let go.
Review of the movie Cape Fear(1991)
The movie Cape Fear that hit the box office in 1991 is not as great
as many of the Martin Scorsese’ movies but it surely cannot be ignored. The
movie may disappoint the audiences especially after watching movies like Goodfellas,
Raging Bull, Mean Streets and uncountable others. Martin Scorsese has definitely
proved his excellence over the years but has disappointed the viewers a little with
this movie. The movie is a remake of the 1962 movie starring Robert de Niro and
Nick Nolte. It is about a psychopath named Max Cady (Robert de Niro) who
is released from prison after serving a fourteen year sentence in prison. He
was charged of raping a woman and Sam Bowden (Nick Nolte) his attorney hid an
important document from him that could have helped him. Bowden’s defense was
considered shoddy by Cady. At the time of the trial Cady was illiterate but
during his years in the prison he immersed himself into literature. Now he is a bible quoting freak with apocalyptic tattoos all over his body out for revenge.
He plans on destroying Bowden’s life. De Niro did full justice to the character
but the story line was very similar to the old version. The movie is far much
better than any of the movies out there but does not match Scorsese’ standards.
Scorsese’ can convert anything into a masterpiece all his movies have definitely
proved that but this movie lacked a bit of luster. But overall the movie is
very well visualized and is definitely worth watching.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
It is one of my favorite poems written by a fourteen or fifteen year old boy as his suicide note
Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lineshe wrote a poemAnd he called it "Chops"because that was the name of his dogAnd that's what it was all aboutAnd his teacher gave him an Aand a gold starAnd his mother hung it on the kitchen doorand read to his auntsThat was the year Father Tracytook all the kids to the zooAnd he let them sing on the busAnd his little sister was bornwith tiny toenails and no hairAnd his mother and father kissed a lotAnd the girl around the corner sent him aValentine signed with X'sand he had ask his father what the X's meantAnd his father always tucked him in bed at nightAnd was always there to do itOnce on a piece of white paper with blue lineshe wrote a poemAnd he called it "Autumn"because that was the name of the seasonAnd his teacher gave him an Aand asked him to write more clearlyAnd his mother never hung it on the kitchen doorbecause of its new paintAnd the kids told himthat father Tracy smoked cigarsAnd left butts on the pewsAnd sometimes they would burn holesThat was the year his sister got glasseswith thick lenses and black framesAnd the girl around the corner laughedwhen he asked her to go see Santa ClausAnd the kids told him whyhis mother and father kissed a lotAnd his father never tucked him in bed at nightAnd his father got madwhen he cried for him to do it
Once on a paper torn from his notebook
he wrote poem
And he called it "Innocence: A Question"
because that was the question about his girl
And that’s what it was all about
And his professor gave him an A
and a strange and steady look
And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door
because he never showed her
That was the year that Father Tracy died
and he forgot how the end
of the Apostle's Creed went
And he caught his sister
making out on the back porch
And his mother and father never kissed
or even talked
And the girl around the corner
wore too much makeup
That made him cough when he kissed her
but he kissed her anyway
because that was the thing to do
And at three A.M he tucked himself into bed
his father snoring soundly
That's why on the back of a brown paper bag
he tried another poem
And he called it "Absolutely Nothing"
Because that's what it was really all about
And he gave himself an A
and a slash on each damned wrist
And he hung it on the bathroom door
because this time he didn't think
he could reach the kitchen
Sunday, 16 November 2014
I race down to the parched earth
Slapping the damp ground
I spitter-spatter everywhere greeting the dirt
I love to paint the leaves with a skittering sound
I steal sadness like a malicious thief
From the hearts of the little kids waiting for the
school bell to ring
As I shower amazement and happiness that runs through
their sleeve
And always urges them to dance and sing
I am rain sneaking, dancing and jumping
No one can stop me when I want to come in
I slide down the brown bark
Weaving in and out of its grooves
While tickling the little birdie’s neck in the dark,
I often linger between the horse’s hooves
I waltz here and there in the misty weather
And giggle, pounce and sprinkle
I the beauty of nature who’s even lighter than a
Jives near the banks of the Ganges and drench into the
holy river
I am rain sneaking, dancing and jumping
No one can stop me when I want to come in
People come out of their houses just to have a glimpse
of me
And satisfaction hails from crowded roads and silenced
Farmers laugh and celebrate after long days of grief
Even though the roads become more crowded and the
streets become muddy
And then it’s time for me to stop
The thundering ends and the sun comes out
The rainbow fells in its place without a pause
The clouds go away and nature glistens its beauty all
I am rain sneaking, dancing and jumping
No one can stop me when I want to come in
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